Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Redefining Normal Adventures

While living in Korea we happen across random and sometimes odd things on a daily basis.  Honestly after awhile these things have become so common that we start to think of them as normal rather than unusual.  I guess you could say two years in a different country has just redefined what we consider "normal".

For example, guys on stilts usually mean a "Grand Store Opening!" or  "Special Sale" is happening somewhere nearby.  We came across this one dancing around in the middle of the street to alert us to an Electronic Shop opening.  These store events also often include live dancers, clowns, and lots and lots of giant inflatable characters and wind sock people.

I really have no explanation for this one.  But no one around seems to think it falls in the "odd" category so I guess it must be normal.

Old school claw machines are on many street corners.  

The prizes range from the expected snacks and toys to. . .the unexpected. 

(In case you can't make out the above picture, those are live lobsters.  Yes.  Live lobsters.)  Although  we played it several times I'm actually thankful we didn't win one because I wasn't too keen on carrying a dripping wet, angry lobster the rest of the way home.

Engrish Adventures Part III (back by popular demand)

I suppose "weedding" services might be useful at an outdoor ceremony?

Maybe this isn't a typo. . but I hope so for the sake of the poor girl that buys it.

An interesting advertising campaign from Mr Pizza. . . 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Subway Adventures

"One of these things is not like the others. . .one of these things just doesn't belong. . . "