Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Washington State Adventures

After leaving the wonderful paradise of Hawaii, our next stop was beautiful Washington State.  Hubs' brother and sister-in-law were fabulous hosts and let us crash with them for a week.  It was seriously one of the most relaxing and enjoyable weeks ever.  They truly have a knack for comfortable hospitality and we LOVED our time with them.  It also didn't hurt that they are the parents of one of our sweet sweet nieces and we loved getting to know her a little better.

What a precious family huh?  And what an AWESOME garden.  We were very impressed and JEALOUS!

Look at this little bundle of fun!!

We enjoyed a hike with some of our extended family who also live in this beautiful state.

Picnic lunch and taking in the view at the top (or if you are me, trying to mask the fact you are gasping for air and recovering since everyone else seems to be unaffected by the little "stroll").

We were so excited to find a Korean restaurant nearby and get to introduce our hosts to Korean BBQ.  They seemed to enjoy it as much as we do. . .or at least were good sports and played along. :)

Thanks for the great time guys!  Can't wait till we can get together again!