Monday, September 15, 2014

On the Road Again Adventures

I was actually surprised to log in and see it had ONLY been a little over three months since the last post.  So much has changed since then I could have swore it had been almost a year!  Since the last post we have moved 3170 miles to the literal other side of the country.  Moves are always stressful but this one was our first with a toddler which of course brought unique challenges.  I also was right in the middle of yet other grad school semester which was pretty tricky.  Thank goodness for hotel business centers! 

As you may remember from previous posts our BB isn't a huge fan of car travel so this road trip was quite the endeavor.  We took things very slowly with lots of stops and although it was long and exhausting it was a fun to do our first move as a family of three and make tons of fun memories!  We have a new appreciation for rest stops.  BB loved to run around at a new one every few hours especially as the scenery changed from brown to green.

"Umm. . is this what they call a jungle?"

We also got the chance for three stops to visit some family on our cross country trek which was such a treat!

First- a stop at the family farm to see Grandma and Grandpa A. and assorted siblings/nephews/and nieces (including a brand new 2 week old one!!).  It was a VERY quick stop over.  But fortunately there was just enough time for Grandpa A. and BB to get some good "playing in the dirt" time.

And to do some reading with Grandma A.

And play with all these cousins!!  He really wishes he lived closer so he got to see all these fun kids more often!

Second- Grandma and Grandpa H. met up with us for a day in Indiana.  They helped us take BB on his first trip to a zoo and he loved it!  The animals were actually secondary though to how much he enjoyed running up to the other kids there and trying to make friends.  Unfortunately we did a horrible job of taking pictures on this get together/outing (we will have to take double the pictures next time we are together!).  The only one I have to share is this one of Grandma H. showing BB a sleepy leopard.

Third- We stopped over at Hub's sister and brother in laws place for a day to see their super cute house for the first time.  They were GREAT hosts and BB was completely smitten!

"See this is how you do it. . ."

"Oh you are a great teacher Uncle K!  I think I"m a natural at this!"

 "Whatcha drawing over there Auntie L?"

So nice to have these familiar faces and great hospitality during a transition period and all that comes with it!