Tuesday, November 18, 2014

BB's Newport Adventures

Our little guy is at such a fun age.  He is very busy and everyday he surprises us with something new that he has learned or is trying to do/say.  Here is a peek/ photo dump of some of his everyday life here in Newport over the past few months.

We live within a 10 min walk of three parks (part of the reason we chose the house we did!) so that is a standard activity almost every morning.

Currently sticks are of utmost interest and one must be in hand at all times when outdoors.

When the tourist season is over here in September the cruise ship season starts up.   BB thinks is is funny that all these people have to ride that big ship to get to his favorite little park and he just has to ride in the stroller for a few minutes.

Books are currently his favorite thing.  I never thought I would complain about this trait in a child of mine.. but well. . lets just say I have every book he owns memorized and I may or may not dream in rhymes at this point.  It is a good thing we live only a few block from the library for a frequent change of reading material.  Fortunately a few books hold his attention for a bit without a reader. .particular these fabulous ones from Great Aunt K and Uncle S. . .SERIOUSLY had no idea what a life saver they would be back when you sent them.  Thank you SO much! :)

He even likes to work his core while reading.

Next to reading, and playing outside BB's favorite activities include:

Running the local mafia,

helping cook (this is the aftermath of him "helping" to prepare a bunch of mustard greens for dinner.  Notice the icecream scoop as his tool of choice. . ),

 posing as a super hero,

operating construction equipment (still working on that. . the direction thing is tricky),

helping Mommy work out (maybe second generation personal trainer in his future?!?! :))

and mastering the art of duel toothbrushes.

He is one busy boy!!

And we are two very blessed (and tired!) parents! :)