Monday, June 22, 2015

Moving (Yet again) Adventures!

Ok so here is the deal.  We have had lots of adventures since I posted last and I keep putting off posting since I am soooo far behind it will take a marathon posting to catch up!  However I finally just decided to give an update for what is happening now and then hopefully catch up on all the other stuff from the last six or so months another day.

So....current update is that we are moving again!  Literally. . right now we are living out of hotel rooms driving our way across the country.  That is kind of the theme of our life it seems.  I guess really it is the theme of most any military family's life, but having lived my first 18 years on the same farm with the same address this lifestyle still catches me by surprise sometimes!  Our little BB is not growing up like I did in that respect as he is headed to his third home in his short life and is currently on his second cross country coast to coast road trip.  He continues to impress me with his resilience but there have (and I am sure will continue to be) some rough moments as he tries to grasp what exactly is happening!

Here he is checking out the piles of boxes in our basement all prepped to go on the moving truck.  He kept saying "Open it? Open it?". Sorry Buddy.....we can't open them until we get to the new house. :(

Speaking of boxes . . we had so many they just barely fit on the truck.  Here are the movers debating how to get the final things crammed into the truck.  The final solution included cramming the mattress boxes right in at the very end and slamming the door shut.  I'm afraid the poor guy on the other end that opens them is going to get a Jack in the Box mattress surprise!   Of course it was pouring down rain in this picture and pretty much the entire 10 plus hours they were loading. . .we are praying everything doesn't show up sopping wet and moldy, ha!!

Here is BB in our empty rental watching a show on the Ipad to give me enough time to finish scrubbing and cleaning it.  Such a sad picture as he had no toys left to play with or even anything to sit on!!  

But now on to hotel life and our little guy is turning into a pro!  His first order of business in each one is to find the elevator and press all the buttons.  He also is a big fan of hotel pools and riding on these luggage carts with our suitcases,

Car trips are still not his favorite thing (which is part of the reason we are only traveling a small amount each day) and he has a very hard time falling asleep in the car.  This is a shot of a rare catnap in the car in between his many "road trip activities".

The most important thing to happen in the midst of all this moving business though is that Hubs graduated from his program here at the Naval War College!  He now holds a Masters in National Security and Strategic Studies in addition to being incredibly good looking in his uniform . ;)  I'm so so proud of him and all his hard work this year!  Now off to the next job!