Friday, December 10, 2010

Beijing Adventure Part II

The second day of our trip we went to the Great Wall of China!!!  It was so surreal to actually be there!

We could see where there have been some repairs and restoration done to the original structure but for the most part, the section where we were at had been preserved very well.   People are doing a good job of protecting the cultural relics.  And caltaral relics too whatever they are. :)

In the area where we were, there were two parts open for tourists to climb.  We took what our tour guide called the "hard" side.  He should be referring to it as the Stair Master Supreme Side.  The stairs were STEEP!  And uneven.  See Hubs on the left side just above the waving Asian woman (or was she falling. .hmm. . )?

Those stairs were in the first 1/4 of the climb.  The number of people on the stairs decreased dramatically the higher we went.  As did our energy to take out the camera. :)  The stairs kept curving around as they went higher so we thought that we could see the end but when we reached that point there was another 200 steps to go.  Then when when reached that point there was a few more hundred.  Then when when we reached that point. .  okay you get the idea.:)

Here I am VERY relieved to be "at the top"

And Hubs too! (doesn't he look like he is on a postcard?)

We were so tired from walking all the way up there that Hubs tried out a different route to get down.

1 comment:

  1. awesome. that's about all I can say. Hope you are doing good. keep sharing the rest of the world with us. :o)
