Monday, July 11, 2011

United States Adventures!!

Wow, where did June go?!   I have no idea.  But I just looked at the calender and apparently it is gone!  As is the first half of July?!

Anyway we have been a little out of the loop recovering from a trip to the best place we have traveled yet:  the United States of America!!!  We got to eat American food (yay for the Melting Pot!!), shop in American stores (yay for dressing rooms!), and practice normal driving (yay for everyone stopping at red lights!).  Most importantly however we got to see lots of family and be in attendance for two very important family weddings.

Wedding number one highlights included:

1) a stunning bride and very smiley groom (Hub's little bro)

2) a crazy cute baby niece that we loved meeting for the first time!

3)  Good looking parents of the groom!

4)  Great time with siblings that we don't get to see nearly enough!

Here are my fabulous sister in laws and brother in law at the wedding reception.

This is Hubs and my other brother in law (also fabulous) making a yummy breakfast for us all the morning after the wedding!

Wedding number two highlights were very similar:

1)  another stunning bride and smiley groom (my older bro).  This pic is from the rehearsal not the actual wedding but I thought it was so sweet!

2) three more crazy cute little nieces and one nephew (the three munchkins on the right and the one being held) that we loved getting reacquainted with!

3) Good looking parents of the groom!

4)  Great time with siblings that we don't see nearly often enough!  

These are my two wonderful sister in laws and some random wedding crasher in the back.  (Okay, its actually my other brother but I don't always claim him for obvious reasons.)

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see a glimpse of your trip - glad it was a good one...we are also enjoying the aforementioned wonderful vacation spot -USA...who woulda thought MN would be my best vacation ever? HA. Anyway, we'll look forward to seeing you in a few weeks! Take Care
