Thursday, August 18, 2011

All in a Day's Work Adventures

The majority of our posts tend to be about trips that we take (we are kind of travel junkies).  But, unfortunately, the majority of our time is not spent traveling.  Here is a little glimpse into our "daily work lives".

Hubs is usually hard at work running his company (ah, so handsome!)

When he isn't coordinating things, answering his cell phone at all hours of the day and night, or making decisions, he also does a lot of this.  He really is flying one of the helicopters in this pic!  cool huh?!

As for me I am keeping busy with several little ventures.  I do some Personal Training as time allows and still play Army with the Reserves every few weekends.  The one that takes up the most time however is the previously mentioned job teaching English as a second language.  That basically means I do a lot of charades and attempt to communicate through drawing pictures (it is hard explaining things to kiddos when you don't speak the same language!).  I have also become an expert high-fiver and rock/scissors/paper player.  Here is a picture of me with some of the adorable germ infested monsters (my affectionate term for the Kindergartners).  I'm pretty sure the kid on the left is doing some sort of tiger pose?. . .it's an adventure every day. . .

All in all we keep pretty busy. . .so much that I can barely believe that 1 year has already flown by since we moved here to Korea!  It has been a great year and I can't wait to see what is in store for the next one!!  I'm hoping for a little less "daily work life" and A LOT more trips to tell you about!! :)

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