Friday, November 11, 2011

Japan Adventures Part I

Our latest adventure was a trip to Japan!  Unfortunately it was such a quick trip we didn't get a chance to  explore Mount Fuji.  However we did enjoy this lovely view of it from the comfort of a high speed bullet train!

We found Japan to be much harder to navigate than other parts of Asia that we have visited.  There were considerably less signs than in Korea and of the signs around, few of them have English translations.  However the Japanese people were incredibly helpful and there was always someone around to help point us in the right direction.  Plus, lucky for me, Hubs is a fabulous navigator!  And super cute too. :)


This was also my first experience with left side of the road traffic patterns.  A bit disturbing.
"Hey wait. . who is driving this taxi?!!?"

We spent a day exploring Kyoto, the historical capital of Japan.  It is an absolutely charming place with a stretch of cobblestone streets lined with lots of shops and tea houses as well as a number of beautiful temples and shrines.

Not sure if these were real Geishas (traditional Japanese female entertainers trained in cultural dancing, art, etc) or "tourists ones" (we saw a few shops were tourists could pay to be dressed up as a Geisha for a fewhours).  Either way it was pretty cool to see their make up and costumes up close!

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