Thursday, May 24, 2012

Whirlwind Months Adventures

Whew!  I don't even know where to start!  The past few months were some of the busiest we have had since moving to Korea.  But also some of the most fun!  Here is some pictures to catch you up on what we have been up to.

We got to welcome our 2nd and 3rd visitors:  Hub's parents!

It was a fast trip but we managed to cram  A LOT in.  Hubs and his dad hit up the Korean electronics market for some fun new lens additions to their cameras and Hubs's mom got a new camera too.  In other words there were MANY pictures taken during the trip and below is a good representation of what took place each evening after a day of sightseeing. :)

THEN we also got to welcome our 4th and 5th visitors:  my oldest brother and his beautiful wife!

Among other things they got to experience a Korean parade.  No. . not watching one (as we logically assumed we would be) but being IN one.  It was weird. . and confusing. . in other words , for us, what has come to mean a very authentic Korean experience!!

Being so far removed from family is hands down the hardest thing about living overseas so it was just SUCH a treat to have them all here.  We loved showing them the place that has been our home for the past few years and some of the many reasons we love it here!

The Army runs very much on a yearly cycle here so it has been interesting this second year as everything "repeats".  We are kind of in a constant state of  déjà vu.  Among other things, one of the repeats was the annual military ball.

Here is my favorite photo of the night for those who appreciate a good spontaneous photo bomb. :)

Another big repeat was "Gunnery" (Apache pilots here do it semiannually to qualify firing or in other words go blow things up).

Look closely and you you can see the smoke trail from the rocket leaving the helicopter!

Yesterday when we collapsed to catch our breath from all this fun, we realized  that we are almost done with the 2nd year of the Korea cycle!  And you know what that means?!?  It's almost MOVING TIME!!  Stay tuned for updates (and we promise we won't wait as long before posting again!!)

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