Sunday, June 8, 2014

First Birthday Adventures!!

Our little BB turned 1!  It is still so hard for me to believe. I can remember the day he was born like it was yesterday.  The next 12 months not so much.. .they are more of an exhausted, sleepless, showerless blur in my mind.  Ok. . I'm exaggerating again.  I did get to take a few showers. :)

BB loves hanging out with his parents but isn't super excited about most other people yet.  So we decided rather than a birthday party he would probably enjoy a weekend with just his parents way more.  His birthday happened to fall on one of Hub's long weekends so we took the chance for one more trip to Big Bear to celebrate!

"What do you mean it is my birthday?"

We rented a cabin with a big back yard and lots of grass. . something we don't have in the desert and we knew he would love!

He is really into books right now and thought his birthday cards were little books and brought them right over to be read to him.  They are still in his stack of books at home and he still regularly chooses them in his book rotation!

Thoroughly enjoying his new loot!

We also took him to a little petting zoo to check out some goats and chickens!  He tends to be a little slow to warm up to new situations like this but once he does it is full steam ahead!

It has been an incredible year.  Both harder and better than Hubs or I ever thought possible.  We are very very thankful for this amazing little one God entrusted us with and look forward to celebrating many more happy birthdays with him!  


  1. So cute . Yes, this year went by fast. Hoping to catch up soon so my little Mark can have a buddy to okay with.
