Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Arrival Adventures

The Hubs and I are coming up on two weeks since we touched ground here in South Korea! I would like to tell you all about our adventures trying the food and learning the language thus far but that would make for a very short post. Also it would be a lie.

In reality I still only know the two Korean words I retained from my previous trip here seven or so years ago: "hello and thank you". Although when it comes right down to it I don't even really know those two words that well since I am continually getting them confused in my head and greeting the people on the street with a hearty "Thank you!" and nodding a cheerful "Hello!" to shop owners as we leave their stores.

As far as food, we have been sleeping off our jet lag in the American style hotel on our Army base and have resorted to the convenience of the American food court and grocery store nearby. It is pretty ironic that I have had more Burger King and frozen TV dinners in the last week while here in Korea than the entire last year living in the US. I think it is my subconscious way of rebelling against the culture shock: "You can take me out of America, but you can't make me stop eating American junk!”. 

BUT despite our lack of communication and *adventurous eating, we have managed to make a good amount of progress towards settling in. We have an AMAZING apartment that we will be moving into in just a few days, a not so amazing but cute little used Korean car, a couple cell phones, and some job prospects (for me. . Mark obviously already has a job hence us being here in the first place. . .).

We were able to venture out to do a little bit of initial exploring in a nearby shopping area.  As you can see below, I was enthralled by their little McDelivery scooters for some reason.   (what is with me and fast food references today?!  I swear I usually don’t touch the stuff!).  Delivery scooters like this are pretty common to see on the roads here.  Lots of them darting in and out of traffic just add to the adventure of driving here.  Remind me to tell you more about that craziness some other time!

Also, don't you think my handsome Hubs does a great impersonation of a touristy angry statue thing?  (I'm sure there is a more culturally correct name for them but that is all I've got for now. . )  

*although frozen TV dinners could very well be classified as adventurous eating. Have you TASTED some of them recently? GAG! I can't believe they are allowed to market them as actual food products. But I digress. . .

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