Monday, August 9, 2010

Exploring Adventures

Last night we ventured out to do a bit of exploring in our new city.  We are only a short 15 minute walk from the train station which also doubles as a shopping center so we decided to start there.  It was so much fun!  There is a huge grocery store in the basement complete with some things we recognized and lots of things we didn't!  Our favorites were the whole squid and octopus tentacles all packaged up with clear wrapping over it like we are used to seeing hamburger meat.  Also, there were attendants EVERYWHERE.  Every little food island had their own attendant.  For example, one for the tomatoes, one for the broccoli, one for the nuts, one for the rice. . . . it was unbelievable.  I made sure to say hello to each one.  Or maybe I said thank you?  Hmm. . .

The next four or so floors have clothes, sporting equipment, kitchen supplies, and furniture.  The prices and quality were similar to what you would find in a nice department store back in the states.  There are a few other stores that I have heard are comparable to Target and Walmart that we hope to check out later this weekend.

One of the top floors has lots of delicious smelling restaurants.  Some of them even had picture menus which made us comfortable enough to take the plunge for our first authentic Korean meal out.  It was fabulous!  Mark ordered something called the " Teriyaki set" and I had some sort of tuna bowl thing.  The food came out on a little tray for each of us and included soup, salad, and some other side dish things.  SO much food only around 7,000 wan (a little less than $7) for each of us.

We didn't know what it all was but we tried everything and it for the most part it was all super yummy!

Here is a shot of me outside the train station/shopping center.  The tall tower all the way in the back (just behind the building with the yellow banner and black writing) is where we live!  It comes in pretty handy that it is the tallest building around since it is a helpful reference point when I get lost (which may or may not happen pretty much every day. . .).

1 comment:

  1. CUTE DRESS!!! Love it. :) and you. :)
