Friday, October 15, 2010

Advertisement/Employment Adventures

We often come home to advertisement fliers tapped to our door.  

Usually we can’t read them but sometimes when walking around downtown we have recognized the restaurant or business they were advertising.  Imagine my surprise when I got home today and saw a flier on our door with some words I recognized. . . . 


Don’t worry, I’m not wanted for a crime or missing.

I’m a new teacher at an after school language academy here in Pyeongtaek!  

I get to teach English as a second language to Korean children ranging from Kindergarten to Junior High during the afternoons!  It is quite the new experience for me.  I am enjoying it very much but also have a whole new respect for both moms and teachers.  My Mom is  is BOTH so I am pretty much am in awe of her.

*Editors note- I DID know I had the job before seeing the flyer on the door but I DIDN'T have any idea that I had been hired just in time to make their fall advertisement distro or that it would be posted on every door in my apartment building.  Yikes!

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