Friday, October 29, 2010

Icecream Adventures

From my understanding desert is a fairly new idea to Korean culture.  Traditionally their meals don't include it and at many restaurants it isn't even offered on the menu.  The few times we have been served desert in an restaurant here it has consisted of some type of fruit rather than a sweet baked item.  Desert as a "snack" or at another location after you meal is really starting to catch on however.  They are particularly partial to Dunkin' Donuts and Baskin Robbins.  They are seriously EVERYWHERE!  I can think of at least four within a few block radius of where we live!  Baskin Robbins is good but since our most favorite adventure thus far has been to Italy, we are a little partial to Italian style ice cream called, "gelato".  Needless to say we were thrilled when we spotted what appeared to be a little Italian style coffee shop that sold gelato.  We were even more thrilled when we checked it out and the the atmosphere and the ice cream were great!

It was a really good find and I am sure we will be going back often!  However I'm not sure that we will be trying some of the Korean specific flavors of gelato that we saw advertised. . . 


  1. Where is your spirit of adventure? It can't be that bad. I'm sure your dad would try it. :o)

  2. That. Looks. Disgusting.

  3. love the itty bitty spoons :)

  4. I had a Red Bean ice cream bar or something of the sort when I was in Singapore! Haha!
