Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Military Ball Adventures

Due to Hub's job (and my former job), we occasionally  have get to attend military balls .  Ha, just kidding they aren't that bad as far as "mandatory fun" goes!  Some are even down right fun.  A few weeks ago we got to attend the Association of Army Aviation Ball here in Korea.  It was the biggest and probably the nicest one we have ever been to.  It was held at the Grand Hyatt in Seoul, so the gorgeous venue definitely helped out!

I always get so nervous at these things that I am going to accidentally drink the water or use the silverware belonging to the person sitting next to me.  Believe me, there is so much stuff on the table it gets confusing!!

The food was delicious!  Here is a picture of my salad (chilled salmon).  I would have taken pictures of all the courses but I was too busy stuffing my face. :)

This is a picture of us all dolled up for the occasion.  The lights behind us are actually tiered, lighted fountains that were just outside the ballroom on a patio. . . so pretty! 

Also, here is a full length one of my dress for those of you who might be interested in such things.

And finally, here is a picture of Hubs (isn't he the most handsome thing you have ever seen?!?!)  with his two Lieutenants/ Platoon Leaders (on either side of him) and his 1st Sergeant.  (In non army language, that means the people that work directly for him and help him run his company.)

Overall we had a great time and are looking forward to doing it again next year!