Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Birthday Adventures

Hubs recently joined me in our "last year of the 20s".  Yikes!!  When did that happen?  Guess we better fit in as much wild and crazy stuff as we can before we hit the "responsible 30s" next year. :)

We were both pretty tired from a long week so we kept the birthday celebration low key.

We did enjoy the excuse to try out one of the Korean Baskin Robbins' ice cream cakes.  They make seriously elaborate ones here!  We had one of the more simple ones (it was a hard decision between this and one shaped like a Korean cartoon character) but it was still super yummy!

Ignore the placement of the chocolate ball.  He didn't turn 209.

Since we didn't get the Korean cartoon character shaped icecream cake I was excited to find some on birthday hats instead!!

Hubs wasn't quite as excited about them but he humored me and wore one anyways. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anna,

    Do I see stairs leading up to nowhere in that picture of you?

  3. you are so observant! That is actually a piece of furniture, a Korean step chest. We are bringing it home with us when we move back next year so you will be able to see it up close. It is pretty cool!

  4. Oh nice! It looks cool!

  5. You guys are so cute...happy birthday Mark, hope you ended up having more fun than the picture shows! =) PS I'm in love with your apartment! Super cute!

  6. Sarah- aww thanks for your comment and for the apartment compliment! We still need to have you over sometime!
