Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Nebraska Adventures

Sorry for the looooooooong delay between posts!  We have been experiencing technical difficulties with the blog but I think we finally have the kinks worked out so posting should be back to normal (and by normal I mean only two months behind instead of four . . :)).

Our next traveling stop was my home state of Nebraska!  My immediate family all lives here so it is always a very fun/busy time catching up with everyone.  Most importantly of course is our other three nieces and one nephew.  Can't believe how much they have grown and loved seeing how their personalities have developed in just the one year since we saw them last.

Some quality time with the oldest. . .she is confident and wise beyond her years!!

The second  is such a beautiful little princess!

This fun little guy was very enthralled with this newly acquired bulldozer so it was pretty much impossible to get a picture of him that didn't include it.

And last but not least the youngest!  Doesn't that expression just ooze of spunk and cuteness?

Hubs 'parents made the trip to Nebraska as well and brought some fun yard games which made for a great afternoon of hanging out complete with lots of laughing and good food (two very high priorities in my family).

Home made ice cream is a staple at these gatherings and I was glad to see my Dad imparting the timeless art of making it to the next generation.

We spent a week in Nebraska but it seemed much shorter.. .partly because our time was kept busying helping my siblings with last minute plans for a secret party in honor of my parents!

I think they were at least a little bit surprised.

And although I'm not sure my Dad really likes surprises like this, he did at least seem excited that food was part of the equation.

Here is a shot of the whole motley crew!  I love this "pre-family photo" action shot/discussion of the best placement for the picture.  My favorite part is that our "little princess" is still photo ready despite the rest of us!!

Almost there. ..

Close enough!

It was so great seeing everyone and we are looking forward to the next visit!!  A special thanks to my wonderful sister in laws for all the hard work they did putting together my parents' surprise party (not to mention what you do on a daily basis keeping my brothers in line. :)).

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