Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Road trip Adventures

Hubs and I really like taking road trips together.  But it turns out they aren't quite as fun when you have to drive separate cars.  Especially when the drive is all the way from Nebraska to California.

I got bored.  A feeling that will probably be passed on to you as you read this post. . .

We drove through Kansas.

It was flat and windy.

Then we drove through Colorado.

It was not flat anymore.

Next was Utah.

Maybe it is because I have been away awhile and have a fresh perspective but I think I may have uncovered a clue in the mystery of America's weight problem. . .

Arizona.  Also, it appears Hubs may have been trying to loose me at this point. . .hmmm

I missed the sign for Nevada. But I figured a picture of a casino would work. . .

FINALLY (3 days later) California.

We drove so far they ran out of road names (in case you can't make it out that is Zzyxx Rd)

BUT.  It's all good cause we made it!!

Home sweet home for the next two (ish) years!!

1 comment:

  1. I understand how boring scenery can be, but don't we have an awesome creator who makes such wonderful landscapes. I agree it would've been better with a companion in the car. Glad you made it back safely.
