Thursday, February 28, 2013

Catch up Adventures

Wow.  It has been awhile!  Remember when I used to update this regularly?  Okay yeah me neither.  Let me rephrase that.  Remember when I used to update this every month?  I'm going to try to get back to that.  Every two months at least. :)

So....our life has been a little less "adventurous" (but still good!!) since our move to California which might be part of the reason for the lack of updates.  But mostly it has just taken a little longer than our normal time to settle in and adjust to a new life in a new place.  The Army post where we are is very remote. . as in 40 min of desert driving from pretty much anything.  So most people understandably live on post.  When we got here we had a long wait for on post housing to become available so we spent 5 or so weeks living in a hotel on post.  I know that might sound luxurious but I promise it was actually quite miserable!  Once we finally got our house (we really like it!  It's a two story duplex and even came with a teeny tiny dead patch of grass.  Hey we live in the desert, I'll take what I can get! :) it took another one and half months for all our things to get delivered.  It came over three shipments at three separate times , two from Korea and one that we had left in Alabama in storage and so took what seemed like forever before everything was unpacked, sorted, and settled.  BUT so nice to have everything under one roof again and have a new "home"!

Hubs' work schedule is a bit unique in that he generally works 14 days straight out of the month.  He may or may not come home to sleep or grab food  during random times in that block.  That has been an adjustment for both of us but we are so thankful to have the time together that we do!  I've been "finding my niche" here which is always the challenge with a move to a new place.  For the most part I am not nearly as busy as I was in Korea which I'm actually enjoying!  I started graduate school for Clinical Nutrition in January and am loving my classes but also remembering why I waited so very long to go back after undergrad. . .school is hard!  

The other thing that has been taking up lots of my energy is growing a new little addition to our family!  I'm sure all of you who read this are already aware, but we are excited to be having a baby this May!  We are hoping he/she (we aren't finding out the gender before hand.. . I know. .  how last generation of us!!) enjoys adventures as much as we do and will be up for coming along on some of ours! :)

Some of the highlights of the last few months were spending Christmas with most of Hubs' family in Michigan and welcoming our first visitor (my beautiful mama!) to our desert abode in early Jan.  Unfortunately we didn't do great at capturing much of anything on camera which makes for a post with too many words and not enough pictures! :(  

Here is at least one to tide you over until the next post. . me and the baby at about 21 weeks (sorry if you are on facebook this is an "old news" picture!) 

I'm at 30 weeks now so yeah. . lots bigger. :)  Hubs should be home this weekend (Yippee!) so I"ll work on having him take an updated one for those of you who might be interested in seeing me with a bowling bowl waistline. 

So. .that is the quick catch up recap!  Now my goal is to get on a more regular schedule of updating this before the munchkin comes.  Leaving comments that anyone out there still actually reads this might encourage me (hint, hint!!!)


  1. Lynn, I'm gonna see if Anna updated her blog....nope...still Road Trip Whatever.........WAIT A SEC!!!!!!!!!! HONEY, COME HERE!!!!! YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Fred said:

    Look, Mabel! Guess they finally made it to California!! Dang!! That was a long trip!!

  3. This is Andy from the Gas N Go just outside of Mesquite, Nevada. Hey! Are you guys coming back through this way? Your left your change on the counter.

  4. This is Harley from the pool parlor in Barstow. Heck! All the guys here sit around every night with a cold one and read your blog. Shoot! Our favorite is still the one with mysterious floaties in Iraq. Now that was a kneeslapper!!!

  5. Mr. Osborne from the Midvale School here. Just wondering if you have noticed the wonderful metamorphic formations in the Tiefort mountains. If your husband is out that way, just make sure he is careful to watch for the Centruroides exilicauda (formerly C. sculpturatus).

  6. Hey! Did you guys notice a couple of cows on the side of the road, acting like they just belong there? Dagnabit!

    Farmer Brown

  7. Seriously, We love every update and go back through the archives frequently with smiles and chuckles! Keep em coming!

    Mom and Dad Hayes

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Are you sure that these comments aren't all coming from the same person, seems kind of fishy to me, haha! We look several times a week to see if it has been updated and we enjoy reading your posts.

  10. By Jove! What a spectacular piece of journalistic work this is! Someone should get an Emmy, or is it Grammy, or Dove, or Darwin? I just can't recall! Nonetheless I'm just tickled pink to read this!

    1. Hey! This is Harley at the Pool Parlor in Barstow...The boys and I wuz discussen this and believe what you are referrin to is the least that's what Ed came up with...but he already had a might much if ya know what I mean.

    2. Right you are Chap! That would be the one! It sure would be nice to catch up with you and Ed sometime for a spot of tea... Perhaps in a fortnight?

    3. Well...I've never been in a fortnight...but we ain't fussy where we heads fer our drinks...and we usually go out at night it's all good!

  11. I would try to come up with something clever, but it would probably just sound dumb. Glad to see another post!

    1. Now, come on honey! Why, we let Harley write somethin and ya'll kin see how that come out! Us at the pool hall don't xactly think o him as clever. Dang! They even let brits write sumpin...and heck if any of us know what their talkin about!...we're just hopin he sends directions to that fortnight place, cuz doggone it! We're just plain stumped!

  12. Always looking for your updates. Keep 'em coming!
