Monday, April 8, 2013

Grand Canyon Adventures

On one of our recent four days Hubs and I were able to visit the Grand Canyon.  In one word.. . .AMAZING.  If you have been there you know exactly what I mean!  If you haven't, here are just a few of the bazillion pictures we took.  They don't do it justice but hopefully will at least give you an idea!

Hubs was itching to do one of the hikes all the way down into the canyon.  Unfortunately I'm moving a little slower than normal these days so we didn't attempt it.  Maybe next time! :)

Speaking of moving a little slower. . .Baby Hayes hit 31 weeks over that trip!  (For any of you who are like us and had no idea about this whole "week thing" that goes along with growing babies, 40ish weeks give or take a few is the projected end point!)

 Hubs always likes to see how close he can get to the edge of these sorts of things.

And I think he really had his eye on getting out on the edge of this thing somehow.

Or maybe going white water rafting down there.

The morning we left it actually snowed!  It made for some incredible cloud formations to match the incredible rock formations. And the precipitation even resulted in a rainbow!  Such a beautiful world God made and we are so thankful for the opportunity to explore parts of it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ed says,
    You call that gettin' close to the edge! Ha! You should see Harley up at Devil's Lookout...hangin over the edge AND swiggin a cold one!

  3. Awesome photos. Must have had a great time. God is so totally awesome! 31 weeks, you are getting close. Enjoy the last few weeks :0)
