Friday, June 14, 2013

Baby moon Adventures

Apparently there is a thing called a "Baby moon" that some expectant parents do before their baby arrives.  It is supposed to be a chance to get away and relax one last time before the baby arrives.  Although the name is a little cheesy we are always up for a reason to travel so we jumped on board!  I was still feeling pretty good overall,  but Baby Hayes had proved not to be a very comfortable companion for my organs during car trips so we were focused on picking a destination with not to far of a car ride involved. 

 San Diego ended up being the perfect spot!  It is only about 3 hours away and there is SO much to do there.  However as it turns out we will have to go back again to do most of the things since our Baby moon mostly consisted of eating and relaxing!!!

We spent a few days in the downtown historical gas lamp district which was also right by the harbor.  We would have take more picture but it is hard to with only one hand because we were always eating with the other hand. ...

Then we headed off to the little coastal town of Encinitas for a few more days.  I'm not sure why it looks like we captured an accident in progress in this picture.

We were only a short walk to the beach which provided some great relaxation and scenery.

No. . that is not me.  Apparently they don't rent out pregnant lady sized wet suits.

We were also a pretty close walk away from the super cute, quirky downtown with lots of shops and restaurants to explore.  Did I mention we did a lot of eating?  This little Italian place was run by a super friendly Italian man and had delicious food!

One evening while waiting to catch the sunset on the beach we saw a couple and a photographer doing a maternity photo shoot.  It is pretty neat that I have my own personal photographer that just so happens to take all these trips with me and gave me my own spontaneous maternity photo shoot!

 I had to wrestle the camera away from him so that there was at least proof he was on this trip too. I think this is the only picture I took the whole time.

Baby moon complete and was a great relaxing success!  Guess we are one step closer to meeting Baby Hayes?!

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