Monday, February 10, 2014

New Year Resolution Adventures

I hate to set myself up like this by proclaiming regular blogging as one of my New Years Resolutions.  However. . I'm going to do it anyway!  Set myself up that is. . .not necessarily blog.  Don't worry though, I'm not setting the bar too high.  It is still highly dependent on Baby Boy (lets call him BB for short!) taking a decent nap from time to time.  In fact, I actually started this post about a month ago (in early January when people usually start New Years Resolutions) and I am just now finishing it.  So. . don't expect too much. :)

There have been way too many adventures since my last post to be able to catch you up on all of them.  Perhaps I'll get a few of the backdated pictures up from time to time.  For now here are just a couple.

This picture is from BB first train trip.  "Baby's first train trip?", you might ask.  "Is that a thing?".  I don't know. . I mean there is a spot to write it in the baby book so we thought it was a requirement?

Just kidding.  Our poor son doesn't even have a baby book.  He does however have a smart phone app that we use to track his sleep.  It doesn't get used much.  Maybe when that starts getting some use we will have enough energy to think about that baby book. :)

Anyway.  We have found forms of transportation that don't require BB to be confined to his car seat make for much more pleasant trips.  So. . we just picked a spot that the train was going (happened to be Oregon) and went!  It was a great trip and will be one of those "catch up" blogs that I may or may not ever get too.  BB was only a few months old at the time so we got a sleeper car to make it as comfy as possible.  I think that picture from the trip sums up what life has been like since he came along.  It is as if time has been standing still and I'm oblivious to the rest of the world flashing by  (like the scenery from the train window).  The comparison kind of ends there though because our days don't really resemble the peacefulness this picture portrays.  This picture looks kind of like the "calm in the storm" and I think at this point we definitely  relate more to the storm itself.  In a good way of course. :)

Here is another catch up picture!  This is one of my favorite family pictures to date, taken when BB was 6 months old.

I really love that outfit that someone sent him as a gift (shout out to Uncle Bud and Aunt A!).  And now that I think about it I am pretty sure I haven't written a thank you note for that yet.  Hmm. . . perhaps I should add "catching up on thank you notes" to the New Years Resolution list as well.  

I seem to remember proper etiquette for thank you notes is like a year after a wedding. .. does that apply to babies as well?  Or even better yet a year after he starts sleeping?  Yeah. . lets go with that.  I don't know any teenagers who don't sleep.  So. . for those of you who are reading this and haven't gotten a thank you note from us yet, I  figure worst case scenario it should be headed your way in the next 12 years or so?!?


  1. Ed, come 'ere! 'Member those kids what used to post stuff....Yeah, M&A. Waall...Guess what? Sure nuf, they gots another one goin...Easy on 'em, Ed....I spect they got there hands full with the little critter!

  2. Thanks Anna for the kind words, we loved BB too. Guess we did so well with him because one: Teri is one of the sweetest people on the earth and two; I'm still just a kid myself :-) Looking forward to Thanksgiving.

    Uncle P.
