Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Meeting the Grandparents" Adventures

Hubs was able to take some time off work after Baby Boy arrived and we were excited to spend a few weeks just hanging out and adjusting to being a family of three.  It was an awesome time but also very tiring (in case you didn't guess from the last post!) and we were very excited for the "Grandparent Reinforcements" to arrive!

My mom was the first grandparent on the scene and I don't think I have ever appreciated her more in my life!!  She cleaned our house, cooked us yummy food, and snuggled Baby Boy every morning so I could go back to sleep for a few hours.

Baby Boy seems to really like being outside so they had a lot of quality time out on the back porch playing and napping.

She also served to be an expert toe counter (he has 10 in case you were wondering).

We hadn't given Baby Boy a "real" bath yet so we tried one out when Grandma was there to help and despite his expression below it actually went remarkably well!

I'm sure this won't be the last slightly annoyed/"what in the world are my parent's doing to me" look on his face!:)

After she left we had to fend for ourselves for a few days and then Hubs' Mom came to the rescue! She also pulled out all sorts of amazing "Mom magic" in the cooking, cleaning, and helping with baby departments.  Hubs had just started a new job assignment and we were uncertain how much he would be around so having her around was a lifesaver for me!

As a librarian, she made sure to introduce Baby Boy to lots of books during her visit.

She also accompanied us on our first shopping trip and managed to put Baby Boy down for a (much needed) nap right in the middle of the store!!  I think they should have paid us some sort of royalties for in person advertising?

Same sink, same irritated expression, different Grandma helping with bath.

Hubs' Dad also was able to come for a few days and was an instant hit with Baby Boy.  Seriously. . he started busting out the baby smiles the instant they met.  It was crazy!

Baby Boy loved being "the center of attention" and Hubs and I are so thankful for all the help and for grandparents who are so excited about our little guy!  Only one Grandpa left to meet!

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