Friday, June 14, 2013

Baby Adventures!!

Hey YOU GUYS!  We had a baby! 

We think he is pretty great but then again we might be a little bias. We recently read in some baby books that the original definition of "baby moon" was the first few weeks at home with your new baby adjusting to life.  Well. . I'm certainty glad we learned about the other type of baby moon first and did that because this one wasn't nearly as relaxing.

He did a lot of this.

And not nearly as much of this as we were hoping for.

Its been quite the adjustment and while it is still hard to believe he is finally here, we can't really remember what life was like without him!


  1. I am so glad you posted some pictures. I always check up on your family. So excited to meet baby Sam in a few weeks and catching up with you and Mark. Maybe I can get your great photographer to get a few snaps of my kids. :0) Or maybe a few pointers.

  2. I have so enjoyed looking at all the pictures but especially of Sam. :-) He is so gorgeous, and I sign up to hold him on Friday, the 5th, even if he looks like picture #2. The rest of the pictures were amazing, too. You looked spectacular pregnant. Can't wait to see you guys VERY soon!!!
