Saturday, July 27, 2013

First weeks of Parenting Adventures

To be honest neither Hubs or I remember that much about Baby Boy's first few weeks.  Except that he ate ALL the time and NEVER slept.  Everyone told me that newborns slept a lot but our little guy wouldn't go down for more than about an hour at a time and 20 minutes was the more common time frame.  We were SO.TIRED.  

We have since have figured out how to help some things he was struggling with in addition to  discovering the miracle of swaddles and baby carriers to help him sleep.

 Turns out when you can't get the blanket to swaddle correctly, clothespins are an excellent resource.  Don't worry no baby fat was pinched in the making of this picture.

This is the face of exhaustion. . .also referred to as what it looks like when your baby is born the day after your grad school semester starts.  It's not pretty folks. . not pretty at all.

Luckily Hubs was around to help out.  A LOT.  As in do pretty much everything for several straight weeks.  He is pretty much amazing.

And Baby Boy is seriously crazy about him (that makes two of us! :)).

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing your adventures. Aren't grandparents absolutely the best. Love all the photos of Sam.
